Frequently Asked Questions
Below, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions our office commonly receives. If you have additional questions or would like to learn more about our systems, please contact our office at your convenience!
Yes. It is the area around the hull that creates the shield against biofouling.
Yes. To ensure protection against marine growth, the barNOcle systems need to operate continuously.
The barNOcle system increases the intervals between hull maintenance and cleaning, meaning you won’t need to do it as often.
Three years on the electronic components against any faults caused by component failures and five years on the electrodes. The warranty is not transferable.
There is no scheduled maintenance on the system. However, never use any abrasive mechanical means to clean the electrode. Cleaning the electrode’s surface using methods such as wire brushing, sanding, sandpaper, or high-pressure water jets is to be avoided to keep the efficiency of the coating.
No. You will not need to replace the electrodes, and due to the unique oxide covering them, these can last up to 40 years.
Yes. The protective field around the hull through the barNOcle system is entirely safe for marine mammals and fish. The field’s radius is limited to the protected surface, generating chlorine at a similar level to tap drinking water. Additionally, chlorinated seawater has a short half-life, with 66% oxidizing in under a minute. Chlorine is a much safer option than harsh chemicals used in hull cleaning, which are toxic and harmful to humans. It’s important to note that the barNOcle system cannot reverse existing fouling or eliminate attached barnacles. Its effectiveness depends on the defensive shield created by the anodes submerged below the waterline. This shield repels microorganisms.
We’d love to hear from you! Please call us or email us for more information about how to buy barNOcle. (561) 709-3317 or